Analysis for NetFlow, IPFIX, NSEL, sFlow and sampling supports. Enhanced by SNMP, geolocation, security feeds. Data deduplicat-ion without loosing critical information Non-standard fields analysis includ-ing NAT, MPLS.
Possibility to add custom NetFlow fields to the system for dedicated analysis and presentation of data (e.g. fields specific to a certain type or brand of equipment.)
The system has been provided with interactive diagrams,tables and maps containing critical data, statistics & indicators, enabling the analy-sis of network behavior patterns.
Analytical scenarios implemen-ted in the module facilitateanalysing and drawing conclu-sions concerning the mostimportant security-related aspects.
Sycope is a network traffic monitoring and security tool that uses real-time flow analysis with business context to improve performance and secure IT infrastructure. It records, processes, and analyzes all flow parameters, including SNMP, geolocation, and security feeds, to transform data into meaningful insights, detect network events and issues, measure delays, and identify security threats
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